“…After long controversy, there now seems to be general agreement that myosin (470,000 tool wt) comprises an axial core of two heavy polypeptide chains (205,000 mol wt) that terminate in a globular region containing approximately three light chains of average tool wt about 20,000 (Gershlnan et al, 1966(Gershlnan et al, , 1969Dreizen et al, 1967;Locker and Hagyard, 1967a, b;Gazith et al, 1970;Weeds and Lowey, 1971). The globular head of myosin appears to contain symmetric halves of subfragment-1 (Slayter and Lowey, 1967;Trotta et al, 1968;, each of which contains one light chain and a remnant of one heavy chain (Trotta et al, 1968).…”