Select members of the Reoviridae are the only nonenveloped viruses known to induce syncytium formation. The fusogenic orthoreoviruses accomplish cell-cell fusion through a distinct class of membrane fusioninducing proteins referred to as the fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins. The p15 membrane fusion protein of baboon reovirus is unique among the FAST proteins in that it contains two hydrophobic regions (H1 and H2) recognized as potential transmembrane (TM) domains, suggesting a polytopic topology. However, detailed topological analysis of p15 indicated only the H1 domain is membrane spanning. In the absence of an N-terminal signal peptide, the H1 TM domain serves as a reverse signal-anchor to direct p15 membrane insertion and a bitopic N exoplasmic /C cytoplasmic topology. This topology results in the translocation of the smallest ectodomain (ϳ20 residues) of any known viral fusion protein, with the majority of p15 positioned on the cytosolic side of the membrane. Mutagenic analysis indicated the unusual presence of an N-terminal myristic acid on the small p15 ectodomain is essential to the fusion process. Furthermore, the only other hydrophobic region (H2) present in p15, aside from the TM domain, is located within the endodomain. Consequently, the p15 ectodomain is devoid of a fusion peptide motif, a hallmark feature of membrane fusion proteins. The exceedingly small, myristoylated ectodomain and the unusual topological distribution of structural motifs in this nonenveloped virus membrane fusion protein necessitate alternate models of proteinmediated membrane fusion.The baboon reovirus (BRV) p15 protein is a novel member of the recently described fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) protein family (9,11,45). The FAST proteins are unusual membrane fusion proteins encoded by the fusogenic subgroup of orthoreoviruses, one of the few examples of nonenveloped viruses that induce cell-cell fusion and syncytium formation (15,18). At 10 to 15 kDa, the reovirus FAST proteins are the smallest known viral membrane fusion proteins and are unlikely to undergo the types of extensive structural rearrangements required for enveloped virus fusion protein activity (27,48). The FAST proteins are also the only examples of nonstructural viral proteins that induce membrane fusion (11, 45). As a result of their nonstructural nature, the FAST proteins play no role in reovirus entry. Their sole purpose appears to reflect enhanced dissemination of the infection via syncytium formation, following FAST protein expression in reovirus-infected cells (16,17). The unusual structural features of the FAST proteins and their unique role in the virus replication cycle suggest the mechanism of FAST-mediated membrane fusion is unlikely to adhere to the existing paradigm, which is derived from studies of the enveloped virus fusion proteins (5,48,52).In addition to BRV p15, FAST proteins have been recently characterized from avian reovirus (ARV), Nelson Bay reovirus (NBV), and reptilian reovirus (RRV) (9, 45). Although th...