Transcriptional effects via binding to intragenic regions of many BGCs, observed in S. coelicolor. 60 DasR 61 Activates antibiotic synthesis in S. coelicolor, S. clavuligerus, S. collinus, S. griseus, S. hygroscopicus and S. venezuelae. 61 GlcNAc sensing pleiotropic regulators that activate antibiotic synthesis under nutrient starvation. 61 PhoP-PhoR system 62 Represses the production of: ACT, Red, CDA in S. coelicolor. 62 ACT and Red in S. lividans. 63 avermectin in S. avermitilis. 64 Under phosphate limitation, PhoP upregulates genes for phosphate scavenging and represses nitrogen utilization. It also activates biosynthetic genes, such as Red BGC in S. coelicolor. 65 WblA 66 Represses the production of: daptomycin in S. roseosporus. 67 doxorubicin in S. peucetius. 68 moenomycin in S. ghanaensis. 69 pikromycin in S. venezuelae. 70 tautomycetin in S. sp. CK4412. 71