Myosin-V is a linear molecular motor that hydrolyzes ATP to move processively toward the plus end of actin filaments. Motion of this motor under low forces has been studied recently in various single-molecule assays. In this paper we show that myosin-V reacts to high forces as a mechanical ratchet. High backward loads can induce rapid and processive backward steps along the actin filament. This motion is completely independent of ATP binding and hydrolysis. In contrast, forward forces cannot induce ATP-independent forward steps. We can explain this pronounced mechanical asymmetry by a model in which the strength of actin binding of a motor head is modulated by the lever arm conformation. Knowledge of the complete force-velocity dependence of molecular motors is important to understand their function in the cellular environment.backward movement ͉ molecular motor ͉ optical tweezers ͉ asymmetry ͉ kinesin C lass-V myosins are two-headed linear molecular motors involved in various intracellular transport processes that move processively and directionally toward the plus end of actin filaments (1-4). The energy required for forward motion is supplied by hydrolysis of ATP (1, 5). During each forward step both heads of a myosin-V motor undergo a coordinated chemomechanical cycle, which results in a hand-over-hand stepping mechanism (6, 7). After release of ADP in the trailing head, ATP can bind, and this head detaches from the filament. Now, the leading head can perform the power stroke of its lever arm (8). Subsequently, the now-forward head can rebind to the filament. The mechanism that prevents premature ADP release from the leading head in a two-head-bound myosin is believed to be based on intramolecular strain (9-11).Apart from myosin-V, forward motion has been studied extensively for many linear and rotary motors (12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19). For most of these motors tight coupling of forward motion to ATP hydrolysis has been reported (6,20,21). In contrast, the modes of force-induced backward motion seem to be quite diverse in the different motor systems. Whereas for the F 1 -ATPase the hydrolysis cycle is completely reversible, and forced backward rotation can lead to ATP synthesis (22, 23), backward steps of the linear motor kinesin have been shown to be tightly coupled to ATP binding (24,25). In kinesin, backward forces lead to a decrease of the intrinsic forward bias of a step. In the present study, we investigate force-driven motion of myosin-V by using an optical trap with force feedback control in which we observe a forceinduced mode of backward motion distinct from kinesin and completely independent from the ATP cycle.
ResultsIn a first set of experiments we tested motor velocities under various high loads in forward and backward direction at 1 M ATP. Forces in the direction of unloaded movement (forward) of myosin-V and forces opposing the unloaded movement (backward) of a motor attached to a trapped polystyrene bead were applied by moving a piezo-driven microscope stage parallel to a surface-anchor...