The photodissociation of deuterated dimethyl sulfide (CD 3 SCD 3 ) has been studied in the first absorption band at a laser wavelength of 229 nm. The resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight technique has been employed to determine the recoil energy distribution and the anisotropy parameter and to study the rovibrational state population of the nascent CD 3 . The observed value ) -0.9 ( 0.1 (perpendicular dipole transition) corroborates the C 2V 1 B 1 (or C s 1 A′′) symmetry of the excited state accessed at 229 nm, as assigned previously by different groups. For dissociation yielding vibrationless CD 3 , the center-of-mass translational energy is, on average, 80% of the maximum energy available. CD 3 (V)0) fragments are produced with a rotational distribution showing a maximum at N′′ ) 9-11. Evidence for activity of the ν 1 symmetric stretching mode of CD 3 is also observed. These results are compared with those obtained for deuterated methyl iodide (ICD 3 ).
I. IntroductionDimethyl sulfide (DMS) has attracted the attention of scientists during the past decades, largely due to its implication in the tropospheric sulfur cycle. 1-3 In particular, the enhancement of DMS oxidation upon irradiation with ultraviolet (UV) light 3 has motivated a series of detailed photodissociation studies. 4-8 Several experiments of this kind were performed in the early 1990s by Lee et al. 7 using molecular beam translational spectroscopy and by Nourbakhsh et al. 6 employing, additionally, photoion-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy. These experiments, which focused on the 193 nm photodissociation of CH 3 SCH 3 , confirmed C-S bond breaking as being the dominant channel taking place upon UV absorption, and showed that a substantial part of the energy available (about 60%) is transferred into translational energy of the CH 3 and CH 3 S photoproducts. Furthermore, both fragments were found to be scattered without any preferential recoil direction and this was interpreted as being a consequence of the many excited states involved in the photodissociation of this molecule at 193 nm.We have recently undertaken the study of the photodissociation of DMS following laser excitation at longer wavelengths (227-229 nm). 8 The absorption at these wavelengths is dominated by the first dipole allowed transition in C 2V symmetry, 1 1 B 1 (9a 1 r 3b 1 ) r X 1 A 1 . 1,9-12 Therefore, one electron in the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in the ground-state configuration, the 3b 1 nonbonding orbital, which is essentially the 3p x atomic orbital of sulfur perpendicular to the C-S-C plane, 9 is promoted to the weakly bonding 9a 1 sulfur 4s Rydberg orbital.