!! Neutron-induced cross-sections for the stable isotope 181 Ta, in the energy region up to 20 MeV have been calculated. Statistical model calculations, based on the Hauser-Feshbach formalism, have been carried out using the TALYS-1.0 and were compared with available experimental data in the literature and with ENDF/B-VII, T = 300 K; JENDL-3.3, T = 300 K and JEFF-3.1, T = 300 K evaluated libraries.
! " !With the advent of fast computers, software that simulates nuclear reactions is able to play an increasingly important role in nuclear data. It is possible to provide an exact computational scheme for sophisticated nuclear models, not only new ones but also those that have been lying on the shelf for decades and only now become amenable for numerical implementation. Large scale comparisons with measurements are within reach. TALYS is a nuclear reaction program created at NRG Petten, the Netherlands, and CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel,France. The purpose of TALYS is to simulate nuclear reactions that involve neutrons, photons, protons, deuterons, tritons, 3 He, and α particles in the 1 keV to 200 MeV energy range. Predicted quantities include integrated, single and double-differential cross sections, for both the continuum and discrete states, residue production and fission cross sections, γ -ray production cross sections, etc. Nuclear cross section data can be obtained by three different ways on the basis of experimental measurement, theoretical model calculations and evaluation data files. Experimental cross section data in the range 15-20 MeV are not available for all neutron induced reactions on Tantalum isotopes however, there is only a limited number of data for at the energy range <15 MeV [1][2][3][4].