KChIP proteins regulate Shal, Kv4.x, channel expression by binding to a conserved sequence at the N terminus of the subunit. The binding of KChIP facilitates a redistribution of Kv4 protein to the cell surface, producing a large increase in current along with significant changes in channel gating kinetics. Recently we have shown that mutants of Kv4.2 lacking the ability to bind an intersubunit Zn 2؉ between their T1 domains fail to form functional channels because they are unable to assemble to tetramers and remain trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we find that KChIPs are capable of rescuing the function of Zn 2؉ site mutants by driving the mutant subunits to assemble to tetramers. Thus, in addition to known trafficking effects, KChIPs play a direct role in subunit assembly by binding to monomeric subunits within the endoplasmic reticulum and promoting tetrameric channel assembly. Zn 2؉ -less Kv4.2 channels expressed with KChIP3 demonstrate several distinct kinetic changes in channel gating, including a reduced time to peak and faster entry into the inactivated state as well as extending the time to recover from inactivation by 3-4 fold.The formation of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) 1 channels is a multistep process with many different interactions and folding events required to form the completed channel (1). The common functional core of all Kv channels assembles as a tetramer of pore-forming ␣-subunits. This tetramer is the core of the future ion channel signal transduction complex, but additional folding steps as well as interactions with auxiliary proteins occur before the final functional channel complex at the cell surface is formed. Many auxiliary subunit proteins that bind to Kv ␣-subunits have been identified, but precisely when these interactions occur during channel complex formation and what role these interactions play in helping the channels to assemble, traffic, and function are topics of great interest (1-4). Through the use of heterologous expression systems and mutagenesis studies, we can expose many of these important interactions and folding events, and reveal the processes by which Kv channel complexes form. A comparison of channel expression and functional properties with and without specific auxiliary proteins reveals how these different processes contribute to the formation and function of ion channel complexes.An early step in Kv channel formation involves the tetramerization of the ␣-subunit T1 domains at the cytoplasmic N terminus of the protein (5-7). For Kv4.2 channels, a critical component of the T1 domain interaction involves the coordination of an intersubunit Zn 2ϩ ion found on non-Shaker type Kv channel T1 domains (8 -10). Although Zn 2ϩ binding sites are common in proteins, intersubunit Zn 2ϩ binding sites, as found in the T1 domain, are relatively rare. To determine what functions might be regulated by the T1 intersubunit Zn 2ϩ site, we generated a series of mutations to the Zn 2ϩ coordination residues and tested them for cell surface expression (8). We found that mut...