A reanalysis of the NACP-Rep1 genotypes in our publication "NACP-Rep1 relates to Beck Depression Inventory scores in healthy humans" (Lenz et al. 2011) revealed a deviation from the principles of the HardyWeinberg equilibrium (HWE, goodness-of-fit test [χ 2 ], p<10 -30 ). As reported in literature, several factors might cause violations of HWE. For the NACP-Rep1 polymorphism, a deviation from HWE is not uncommon. In their collaborative analysis, Maraganore et al. (2006) excluded genotype data from 3 of 18 study sites because the NACP-Rep1 genotype frequencies deviated from HWE.Different reasons might account for the excess of homozygotes in our sample. Keeping in mind that the polymorphism represents a mixed sequence repeat (Xia et al. 1996), fragments with the same length in sequence analysis might represent heterozygous alleles, possibly resulting in an overestimation of homozygous individuals. However, the strong deviation from HWE in our study signaled a genotyping artifact. Therefore, we re- The results revealed initial misgenotyping primarily due to an overestimation of homozygous individuals. We recalculated the previously described statistical analyses using corrected genotype frequencies (Lenz et al. 2011). The corrected genotypes were in HWE (p=0.12). Both the non-parametric correlation analysis and the linear regression analysis showed significant positive associations between mean NACP-Rep1 and the BDI score (n=213; Spearman's ρ = 0.136, p = 0.048; B ± SD, 0. 424 ± 0.195, beta = 0.148, T=2.178, p=0.