Redox-flow batteries are entering a period of renaissance, buoyed by both the increasing need for affordable large-scale energystorage solutions, as well as leveraging the advancements in flow-cell technology, mainly in polymer-electrolyte fuel cells. This perspective highlights the research-and-development avenues and opportunities for redox-flow-battery cells and materials. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,, which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Redox-Flow Batteries (RFBs) are an Electrical-Energy-Storage (EES) technology that was first developed by NASA during the energy crisis of the 1970's. Unlike traditional batteries, RFBs utilize redox couples that can be stored in independent tanks and only brought together when power is needed through an energy-conversion cell stack as shown in Fig. 1. 1 It has long been recognized that stationary EES systems could save substantial quantities of energy, as well as provide other potential benefits, such as improved reliability and reduced emissions. However, to date, most electrical grids utilize minimal storage since EES technologies have not been economically viable and proven. There is a growing need for grid-and urban-scale EES, due to a number of factors (e.g., the growth in stochastic renewable energy-generation systems, "smart-grid" initiatives, time-of-use rates, aggregation of generation resources, etc.), but this growth in demand does not necessarily lead to more attractive cost targets for EES systems. The competing technology that dictates cost is essentially rapid-response power generation, such as spinning reserves of various gas turbines. Grid-scale EES must still reach lower cost in order to be widely deployed. The cost targets for grid-scale EES are typically more aggressive than those for portable or transportation applications; however, the typical size of the EES system is also orders of magnitude larger, as shown in Fig. 2. Clearly, an EES technology that can scale up in a cost-effective manner is highly desirable and necessary.RFBs are inherently well suited for large applications since they scale-up in a more cost-effective manner than other batteries. Since the energy and power capacities of a RFB system are independent variables, the required capacities for any application can be met using correctly-sized energy and power modules. RFBs also possess other compelling attributes for stationary EES applications, especially longduration applications. For example, the RFB architecture enables long lifetimes since the electrodes are not inherently required to undergo physiochemical changes during charge/discharge cycles. Because of the growing demand for grid-scale EES and the inherent attractive attributes of RFBs, the technology appears to be undergoing a renaissance period. This growth in RFB research is readily evident...