Psoriasis is a chronic inlammatory autoimmune disease that involves the skin, nails, joints and other organs, being a systemic disease. Regardless of the clinical form, sonography can be efectively used to complete the clinical diagnosis.
Aim:The identiication of non-invasive sonographic markers for the assessment of the severity of the disease and the eicacy of various therapies. Our study involved two research directions: (a) clinical and imagistic assessment of the skin and nail psoriasis lesions and (b) the imagistic evaluation of the therapeutic eicacy in psoriasis plaques and nail psoriasis by acquirement of sonographic images prior and after various therapies.
Methods:In our prospective study, we used a multimodal evaluation of the disease, based on a non-invasive approach: clinical exam, dermoscopy, conventional and high frequency sonography, Doppler, power Doppler and elastography.
Conclusions:Ultrasonography is an important tool for the non-invasive assessment of psoriatic lesions. It ofers speciic markers related to morphology, elasticity and blood supply of the lesions, improving the diagnosis and monitoring of the skin and nail lesions.