The COVID-19 pandemic is the largest global public health outbreak in the 21st century so
far. Based on World Health Organization reports, the main source of SARS-CoV-2 infection
is transmission of droplets released when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales.
Viral particles can remain in the air and on the surfaces for a long time. These droplets
are too heavy to float in air and rapidly fall down onto the surfaces. To minimize the
risk of the infection, entire surrounding environment should be disinfected or neutralized
regularly. Development of the antiviral coating for the surface of objects that are
frequently used by the public could be a practical route to prevent the spread of the
viral particles and inactivation of the transmission of the viruses. In this short review,
the design of the antiviral coating to combat the spread of different viruses has been
discussed and the technological attempts for minimizing the coronavirus outbreak have been