The Pokrovskoe gold deposit is situated in the west ern part of the Umlekano-Ogodzhinskii volcanoplu tonic belt, localized in Cretaceous granitoids of the Sergeevskii massif and in younger volcanogenic for mations of the Ulunginskaya volcanotectonic struc ture [1]. Granitoids and volcanic rocks break Upper Jurassic terrigenous series enriched in interbeds of car bonaceous argillite. According to the level of gold ore in the structures of Mesozoic tectonomagmatic activ ization, the deposit corresponds to subvolcanic ones [2]. According to the peculiarities of the mineral com position, it is related to the gold-adular-quartz or poor sulfide formation [3]. The deposit is character ized by great abundance of faults and rocks, which underwent propylitization, argillization, sulfidization, and silicification. Ore zones are represented by the totality of steeply and gently pitching quartz and quartz-carbonate veins, veinlets, and breccias of quartz composition located in the zones of jointing and tectonic dislocations. Five stages of ore formation are distinguished on the deposit: (1) quartz-hema tite-pyrite; (2) productive gold-carbonate-quartz;(3) main productive gold-adular-quartz; (4) quartzcarbonate-sulfide; and (5) barren quartz-carbonate. Zones of vein-impregnation mineralization repre sented by a network of thin quartz veinlets with impregnation of pyrite, chlorite, and hematite were formed at the first stage. The second stage is character ized by thick veins of fine granular quartz with a small concentration of gold. The third stage is the most pro ductive and represented by two associations: goldadular-quartz and gold-sulfide. Banded colloform textures of ores are typical of gold bearing quartzadular formations. In addition to the prevailing pyrite, the gold-sulfide association contains small portions of galena, sphalerite, pyrargyrite, proustite, polybasite, and other rare ore minerals. Quartz-sulfide and quartz-carbonate-sulfide veinlets with pyrite, arse nopyrite, chalcopyrite, siderite, and apatite with rare elements were formed at the fourth stage. The post ore, carbonate stage is represented by veinlets and thin veins of quartz-dolomite and calcite compositions. Accounting for the difficulties in extraction of gold minerals as a whole and especially nanominerals and the fragility of sulfides, the methodology of sample preparation without grinding was originally worked out for study of gold nanoparticles in mineral aggre gates. For this purpose, a representative sample (50-300 km) is passed in a sparing mode through a jaw crusher with successive change of the hole size to -1 mm at the exit. The +1 mm fraction is returned for further crushing, and usually 3-4 cycles are required for separation of the whole sample into two fractions: -1+0.08 and -0.08 mm. Using such method, we divide natural gold into two classes: visible and invisi ble to the naked eye (nanosized by 90%). Then we obtain two concentrates of heavy minerals with gold, which are studied on a scanning microscope and ana lyzed by different metho...