Knowing the exact location of the semiconductor band‐edges is key for mechanistic insights into their use for water and CO2 photo/electrocatalysis. In this regard, a reliable strategy for nano‐semiconductors did not exist yet. We demonstrate the use of reversible redox probes on nano‐semiconductor electrodes to determine their band‐edge locations in aqueous solutions. Rectifying current‐potential (i‐U) characteristics with the high work function Fe(CN)63‐/Fe(CN)64‐ redox couple yielded the exact flatband potential at various pH whereas the reversible i‐U characteristics with the low work function Ru(NH3)63+/Ru(NH3)62+ redox couple provided the conduction band‐edge location and dopant concentration for a 30nm thin‐film n‐TiO2. The methodology can be extended to other nano‐semiconductors and serves as an alternative to and goes beyond the capabilities of the Mott‐Schottky procedure for bulk semiconductor electrodes.