In this study, the effect of adding wood ash (oak tree) on the mechanical properties (tensile, abrasion, tearing, elongation %, etc.) of NR/SBR-type elastomer materials was investigated. Five different compounds were prepared by adding 16 %, 32 %, 48 % and 64 % wood ash to the filler and additive materials in the general composition (G). The mechanical test results and production costs of the new compounds composed were compared between themselves and with the G compound. The fracture surfaces of the compounds as well as the shape and morphological distribution of the fillers in the rubber matrix were examined using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). As a result of the experimental studies, it was found that the new compounds composed had an increased tensile and tearing strength, abrasion amounts, bending capability, unit elongation amounts and densities in comparison to the G compound. A decrease was observed in the hardness values and material costs (production cost) of the compounds. Keywords: compounds, mechanical properties, wood ash Avtorji opisujejo raziskavo vpliva dodatka lesnega pepela (hrasta) na mehanske lastnosti (natezne lastnosti, abrazija, trganje, raztezek v %, itd.) elastomerov tipa NR/SBR. Pripravili so pet razli~nih vrst zmesi z dodatkom (16, 32, 48 in 64) w/% lesnega pepela, ki so ga uporabili kot polnilni in dodajni material k osnovni sestavi (G; angl.: General). Rezultate mehanskih preizkusov in stro{ke izdelave novih zmesi so primerjali med seboj in z zmesjo osnovne sestave G. Prelomne povr{ine zmesi, kakor tudi morfolo{ko porazdelitev polnila v matrici iz gume so opazovali in analizirali s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Na osnovi analize eksperimentalnih rezultatov avtorji ugotavljajo, da imajo izdelane nove zmesi povi{ano natezno in stri`no trdnost, ve~jo odpornost proti abraziji in sposobnost upogibanja ter enovit raztezek v primerjavi z gumo osnovne sestave G. Ugotavljajo tudi, da se je zmanj{ala trdota zmesi ter da so se zni`ali stro{ki njihove izdelave. Klju~ne besede: gumijaste zmesi, mehanske lastnosti, lesni pepel