PEFC electrodes manufactured using inkjet printing are investigated. Cell performance, Tafel slope, reaction order and local oxygen transport resistance of electrodes with varying Pt loadings of 0.014 to 0.113 mg/cm 2 are studied in order to understand the nonlinear relationship between loading and performance. The performance increase with Pt loading was substantially reduced above Pt loadings of 0.08 mg/cm 2 . Electrochemical active area of the electrodes decreased from 66.4 to 40.4 m 2 /g as the Pt loading increased from 0.026 to 0.113 mg/cm 2 . Below the transition voltage of 0.8 V i R f ree , the Tafel slope was found to be a function of the Pt loading and oxygen partial pressure. The kinetic performance dependence on p O 2 was quantified by measuring the total reaction order. Oxygen transport resistance evaluated from limiting current experiments revealed its dependence on the inlet relative humidity of the reactants. The local oxygen transport resistance was found to drop from 5.93 ± 3.16 s/cm to 3.43 ± 1.67 s/cm as the humidity increased from 50% to 90%. Hydrogen polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) are a zero emission and efficient energy conversion technology for transportation, stationary and electronic applications. The current generation of fuel cell vehicles provide quick start-up, long-range and increased durability. The high and unstable cost of platinum (Pt), which is the commonly used catalyst, however hinders its commercial prospects, especially when compared to the internal combustion engine. The cost of Pt is responsible for over 34% of the fuel cell stack cost.1 Less than 10-20% of the catalyst is however estimated to be utilized during the operation of a conventional catalyst layer (CL) due to mass and charge transport limitations.2 Re-designing the CL to improve these transport limitations has the potential to achieve better Pt utilization, i.e., generate more current per gram of catalyst. The CL fabrication process governs its utilization efficiency, microstructure and Pt loading in the electrodes.The effect of Pt loading on electrodes manufactured by spraying, using film applicators, sputtering as well as inkjet printing has been studied in the literature. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Results show that fuel cell performance is severely degraded at low Pt loading, 3,6,12,16 and that an optimal value of Pt loading exists above which the performance gains are not very significant. 4,12 The reason for the reduced performance of low loading electrodes has thus far mainly been attributed to a high oxygen mass transport resistance at the reaction site. 12,[17][18][19][20][21][22] The source of this resistance is still under debate. Oxygen dissolution in the ionomer, 23 densification of the ionomer layer near the ionomer/Pt interface, 24 and catalyst/oxygen interactions at the catalyst site 20 have been proposed as causes for this local mass transport barrier. These results indicate that in order to understand the performance degradation of low loading electrodes, and to comp...