Nanoforce sensors based on passive diamagnetic levitation with a macroscopic seismic mass are a possible alternative to classical Atomic Force Microscopes when the force bandwidth to be measnred is limited to a few Hertz.When an external nnknown force is applied to the levitating seismic mass, this one acts as a transducer that converts this unknown input into a displacement that is the measured output signal. Because the inertia effect due to the mass of such macroscopic transducers can not be neglected for time varying force measurement, it is necessary to deconvolve the displacement to correctly estimate the unknown input force.A deconvolution approach based on a Kalman filter and controlled by a scalar parameter has been recently proposed.The adjustement of this parameter leads to a trade-off that is analysed in this paper in term of resolution and bandwidth of the estimated force. Associated tools to help the end-user to set this parameter are also described.