Supporting InformationThe Supporting Information is available free of charge at Experimental section: Chip design and fabrication, preparation of ready-to-use microwell array with preloaded antibiotics, preparation of bacteria samples, data analysis of marcAST result, evaluation of rehydration process of the microwell array device, and clinical isolate testing. Figures: Microwell device structure, demonstration of operation procedure with a 30 s step prior to AST, time course of marcAST with ciprofloxacin and E. coli ATCC 25922, MIC determination using benchtop in-tube broth dilution method, ready-to-use microwell array device shelf life, MIC determination of S. aureus ATCC 23922 with gentamicin, and classification of antimicrobial susceptibilities for additional clinical isolates. Tables: Interpretive categories and MIC breakpoints of four antibiotics for Enterobacteriaceae species based CLSI guidelines, and AST profiles of clinical isolates (n = 7).