Investigations on mechanical properties of biological cells especially cancer cells can considerably help recognizing various types of cancers. In this paper, we have concentrated on finding mechanical properties of breast cancer cell (MCF-7), elastic and viscoelastic, using atomic force microscopy. Initially, topography and apparent properties of the MCF-7 cell are studied, then the results are analyzed and compared with the literature to ensure the validity. After accurate diagnosis of MCF-7 cells, force-indentation curves for thirty-one cells, each in three different points, are obtained and the elasticity module of each point is calculated using Hertz and Dimitriadis theories. To ensure about the accuracy of experimental data, some statistical analysis is done to extract distribution functions for elasticity module of each theory. Due to the importance of adhesion force in the friction force, the purpose of this section is to determine adhesion changes in different points of the cell. In the next step, spring and viscosity force gradients and consequently stiffness and viscosity in different indentation depths are measured and finally appropriate creep function is extracted for viscoelastic behavior of MCF-7 using the Kelvin-Voigt model.