The increased application of different forms of alu minum oxide in luminescence dosimetry-monoc rystal (detectors TLD 500K or α Al 2 O 3 :C [1]), pow der (Luxel on the basis of α Al 2 O 3 :C [1]), and thin layer (on the basis of nanopowders of Al 2 O 3 and nano structures [2,3])-is spurring on a search for novel technologies of production of materials on its basis with high sensitivity and selectivity for various types of ionizing radiation.According to the NRB 99/2009 requirements of radiation safety, thin layer detectors are necessary for correct determination of the input of β radiation and the soft component (≤30 keV) of photonic radiation into an equivalent dose of the mixed β photonic radi ation fields. The mass thickness of its active layer should be 5 mg/cm 2 , which corresponds to the average thickness of the most radiation sensitive basal skin layer and equator of an eye lens [4]. Estimation of the linear thickness of the sensitive layer of the detector shows that, for the most available luminescence detec tor materials (LiF, Al 2 O 3 , BeO, MgO), its value is in the range 10-70 μm and depends on their density. The range of the registered equivalent doses for β radiation, for example, should be 1-5000 mSv. Hence, two opposite requirements are imposed upon the develop ment of thin layer detectors: high luminescence yield and low thickness of the active layer. It is essential to mention in this connection that examples of applica tion of thin layer detectors obtained from LiF : Mg, Ti Therefore, the purpose of this study is investigation of the luminescence and dosimetric properties of thin nanostructured layers of aluminum oxide obtained using a novel technology based on evaporation of a tar get with a pulse electron beam (ETPEB). Nanostructured layers (coatings) of aluminum oxide with a size of 7 × 7 mm and average thickness of 20 μm deposited with ETPEB on flat Al, steel, Cu, Ta, graphite, and quartz glass wafer with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm were used as the objects of the study. Al 2 O 3 nanoparticle coatings with a range of coherent scattering of 50-70 nm were applied under vacuum (residual pressure 4 Pa) using evaporation of a target made from highly purified α Al 2 O 3 powder (IAM (United States)) with a NANOBIM 2 instrument at an electron energy of 40 keV, pulse duration of 100 μs, frequency of 200 Hz, and pulse energy density of 0.56 J/mm 2 for 5 min [6]. X ray phase analysis (XPA) of the obtained samples was conducted with an XRD 7000 diffractometer (Shimadzu (Japan)) using CuK α radiation. TLD 500K moderate sensitivity detectors on the basis of monocrystal anion defective corun Abstract-Results of a study of optically and thermally stimulated luminescence (OSL and TL) of thin nano structured aluminum oxide coatings obtained with evaporation of the target by a pulsed electron beam and deposited on quartz glass, Al, steel, Cu, Ta, and graphite wafers are presented. It follows from data of X ray phase analysis that the obtained Al 2 O 3 layers have an amorphous nanocrystal structure with differe...