This chapter provides an overview of the instrumentation used by an electrochemist. In the study of electrochemistry, it is important to accurately control and measure both the flow and energy of electrons. We begin with an overview of the fundamentals—basics of electricity and circuits. Then, with that foundation, we cover the most essential of electrochemical instruments: the potentiostat. From the configurations to the inner workings of a potentiostat, this information should give the reader an overview of how a potentiostat collects the data. This chapter also introduces the bipotentiostat and galvanostat. Next, all things data‐related are covered, from acquisition to the various digital and analog instrumentation specifications that can affect results. Another important topic related to electrochemical instrumentation is ohmic drop. The two main methods of addressing ohmic drop are current interruption and positive feedback, which are introduced here. Additionally, the specifications and modifications for potentiostats are presented for consideration when getting started. Finally, we leave you with some thoughts on hybrid instrumentation such as scanning probe techniques and in situ techniques. We hope electrochemists new, and seasoned, can glean information to perform experiments that yield precise, accurate, high resolution data.