Electric and electromagnetic fields can promote far-from-equilibrium chemical reactions, phase transformations, and microstructural evolution. On the one hand, both direct electric fields and time-varying electromagnetic fields can change the atomic and microscale structure of materials in ways that differ from conventional methods. On the other hand, ultrafast densification in a matter of seconds (e.g., in flash sintering) and electrically induced microstructural evolution open up new opportunities for materials processing. In many cases, the external fields absorbed within a material may result in "nonthermal" effects. In other cases, thermal effects dominate, but applied fields can still influence the microstructural evolution or generate nonequilibrium defects. Consequently, new behavior evolves such as ceramics that become ductile due to high densities of dislocations created by the far-from-equilibrium processing. Many open scientific questions remain about the fundamental mechanisms underlying such interactions of external fields with matter. From an industrial standpoint, processing advanced materials using externally applied fields can have a smaller energy footprint compared to conventional methods and as such will have a profound impact on society.