Defining the materiome consists of linking material properties and function across multiple scales, from nano to macro. The key to "unlocking" Nature is not the replication of biological materials, but full understanding of the mechanisms and material interactions that result in system-level functionality. Here, we look at two biological materials in detail: silk and bone. Silk-a high-performance polymer-like fiber-can be thought of as two phases synergetically acting together. The H-bonded β-sheet nanocrystals provide strength and toughness, while disordered semi-amorphous domains imbue extensibility.The resulting hyperelastic stiffening behavior is critical to the flaw tolerance and robustness of a spider's web. Bone, in contrast, is a composite material made of relatively stiff mineral (hydroxyapatite) and compliant protein (tropocollagen) components. Bone achieves strength and toughness through a variety of mechanisms, including nanoconfinement, fibrillar sliding, and crack bridging. The general insights gained from the investigation of such systems can be applied a vast array of technological applications.
As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree', probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.Woody Allen, American Film director, actor, screenwriter
IntroductionWhat constitutes a materiomic investigation? From a general perspective, any study that elucidates any material behavior or property at any scale is, by definition, investigating the materiome. A complete materiomic investigation, however, generally goes further and attempts to link structure to behavior, bridge multiple scales, and translate mechanisms to function. As we have seen, the complexity and multiscale structure of biological materials require a balance of computational and experimental approaches. To illustrate, this chapter focuses on two well-researched material systems from Nature, from nano to macro: silk and bone. Purely synthetic systems are discussed further in Chap. 10: Synthesis and Design.The exceptional mechanical properties of both silk and bone have been extensively studied experimentally and in computational investigations, with new insights