Nanotechnology and nanoparticles are used in different applications in disease monitoring and therapy in contact with blood. Nanoparticles showed different effects on blood components and reduced or improved the function of therapeutic platelet during the storage time. This review study was performed to evaluate the impacts of various sizes and charges of nanoparticles on platelet function and storage time. The present review contains the literature between 2010 and 2020. The data have been used from different sites such as PubMed, Wiley, ScienceDirect and online electronic journals.
Key findings
From the literature survey, it has been demonstrated that among various properties, size and charge of nanoparticles were critical on the function of therapeutic platelet during the storage and inhibition of their aggregation. Overall, this study described that nanoparticles with smaller size and negative charge were more effective in increasing the survival time, inhibition of aggregation and improving the function of therapeutic platelet.
Based on the current review, it can be confirmed that nanoparticles such as dendrimer, Au, Ag and iron oxide nanoparticles with smaller size and negative charge have significant advantages for improving the efficacy of platelets during the storage chain and inhibition of their aggregation.