that is, through-space orbital interactions between
two perpendicular π orbitals, is a key concept in the contemporary
molecular design of spirocyclic π-electron systems. We synthesized
spiropentasiladiene radical cation salt 1 as a dark-green
solid via the one-electron oxidation of the stable spiropentasiladiene 2. Characterization of the molecular structure combined with
theoretical studies indicated that the spin and positive charge are
delocalized across the two perpendicular SiSi double bonds
of 1. Two π(SiSi) orbitals are split into
HOMO and SOMO with a small energy gap owing to the second-order Jahn–Teller
distortion and steric repulsion between bulky alkyl groups upon one-electron
oxidation. In the UV–vis–NIR spectrum, the longest-wavelength
absorption band of 1 (λmax = 1972 nm)
covers the IR-B region (1400–3000 nm; 0.89–0.41 eV)
despite having the smallest possible spiroconjugation motif. The unprecedented
absorption band in the IR region was assigned to the HOMO →
SOMO transition that arises from the delocalized π-orbitals
in the spirocyclic Si5 skeleton.