Die Hertzogprys vir drama: Griekse tragedie, Middeleeuse moraliteitspel of Negentiende-eeuse realiteit -die problematiek en uitdagings binne die drama-"industrie" en die invloed daarop by die toekenningsprosesThe Hertzog prize for drama: Greek tragedy, Medieval morality play or Nineteenth century reality -the problematic nature of and challenges within the drama "industry" and the influence it bears upon the process of awarding prizes A vAn JAArsveld Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans Universiteit van die Vrystaat E-pos: vjaarsa@ufs.ac.za
AntheA vAn JAArsveld is senior lektor in dieDepartement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Haar Magistergraad en proefskrif handel oor referensialiteit. Sy doseer en publiseer veral oor drama en film en is besig met 'n groter projek oor die indeksering van Afrikaanse speelfilms.AntheA vAn JAArsveld is a senior lecturer in the Department Afrikaans and Dutch, French and German at the University of the Free State. Her Master's degree and dissertation are both about referentialism. She lectures and publishes especially on drama and film and is working on a bigger project on the indexing of Afrikaans films.
Anthea van Jaarsveld
ABSTRACTThe Hertzog prize for drama: Greek tragedy, Medieval morality play or Nineteenth century reality -the problematic nature of and challenges within the drama "industry" and the influence it bears upon the process of awarding prizes election, presentation and acceptance, sponsorship, publicity and scandal. In this article the focus will be on the specific relationships between agents and rules that exist in the field. In addition, the larger "cultural field" which is exposed through prizes, including the interest they generate and the critical hostility they evoke, is viewed. The conclusion that can be drawn is that there is no escape whatsoever from "the economy of prestige".
As a result of the aforementioned, the dynamics of literary prize awards are investigated in this article. More specifically the nature of the prizes and the value of literary and cultural capital when it comes to assessing these prizes are under scrutiny. Despite the ultimate main focus on the published literary work, there is also an underlying awareness of the types of usable capital in the literary field to establish the position of a playwright of a specific drama within the larger social structures of power in the literary community. A clear transformation in the awarding of prizes is currently taking place. In this process there is a constant dynamic interaction between the extensive mechanics of nomination andThis article attempts an in depth look at drama awards against the background of the drama genre as part of the larger literary system, but also the larger scientific study of theatre. contribute greatly to the creation, existence and survival of the theatre as a source of the published play. Within the Hertzog prize assessment process the drama as performance text as well as reading text requires without a...