Background: Vitiligo is an acquired depigmentary disorder of the skin, mucous membrane and hair follicle resulting from selective destruction of melanocytes.
Aims of Study: Identify the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of childhood vitiligo.
Patients and Methods: A retrospective study carried out at the dermato-venereology clinic of Salah Al-Din Hospital. A total of 120 vitiligo patients, all younger than 17 years old, were enrolled.
Results: Among included patients, (40%) were male and (60%) were female (M:F=2:3). The mean age of onset was (11.5 SD 6.4 years) with (60.8%) of patients were (11-17) years old, (25%) were (6-11) years and (14.2%) were (0-5) years old. Majority of patients were from urban area (87.5%). Generalized types of vitiligo account for (56.7%) besides (22.5%), (17.5%) and (3.3%) represented focal, acrafacial and segmental vitiligo, respectively. Only (8.3%) have nail changes, presented as longitudinal ridging followed by leukonychia. Family history was positive in (37.5%) of vitiligo patients. Treatment used for vitiligo were topical corticosteroids (92.5%), topical calcineurin inhibitors (55%), NB-UVB (84.2%), and systemic steroids (30.8%).
Conclusions: Majority of childhood vitiligo develops after puberty and predominantly affects female. Generalized vitiligo is the most frequent type. Atopic dermatitis is the most common associated disease.