We demonstrate a new approach to CARS spectroscopy by efficiently synthesizing synchronized narrow-bandwidth (less than 10 cm −1 ) pump and Stokes pulses (frequency difference continuously tunable upto ∼3000 cm −1 ) based on spectral compression together with second harmonic generation (in periodically-poled nonlinear crystals) of femtosecond pulses emitted by a single compact Er-fibre oscillator. For a far better signal to non-resonant background contrast, interferometric CARS (I-CARS) is demonstrated and CARS signal enhancement upto three orders of magnitude is achieved by constructive interference with an auxiliary local oscillator at anti-Stokes field, also synthesized by spectral compression of pulses emitted from the same fibre oscillator.The coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is a label-free high-sensitivity nonlinear spectroscopy technique that is capable of real-time non-invasive biomedical video-rate imaging based on molecular vibrational spectroscopy offering intrinsic chemical selectivity [1]. The nonlinear nature of the CARS process automatically grants it the capability of three-dimensional sectioning which is essential for imaging thick samples. In CARS process, two temporally and spatially overlapped narrow-band pulses, pump frequency, ω p , and Stokes frequency, ω s , interact with a sample via a wave-fixing process. When beat frequency Ω = ω p − ω s is tuned to Raman-active molecular vibration of the sample molecule, the resonant oscillators within the sample are coherently driven by the excitation fields, thereby generating a strong anti-Stokes signal at ω as = 2ω p − ω s representing a unique chemical signature of the resonant oscillator molecule.CARS spectroscopy requires two synchronized pulse trains with narrow bandwidth (a few cm −1 ; vibrational linewidths are typically of the order of 10-20 cm −1 ) 1129