Mikozis fungoides tedavisinde dbUVB ve PUVA -Unal ve ark.Genel Tıp Derg 2015;25:89-94 89
GirişMikozis fungoides (MF); tüm primer kutanöz lenfomaların %50'sini oluşturur ve kutanöz T hücreli lenfomaların (KTHL) en sık görülen tipidir (1-3). MF genellikle yaşlı nüfusu (en sık 40-60 yaş arası) etkilemekle beraber çocuk ve gençlerde de görülebilir. MF'in etiyolojisi ve patogenezi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Klasik MF; yama evresinden başlayıp plak ve tümöral evreye kadar gidebilen uzun ve yavaş bir seyir gösterir (4-6).Erken evre MF; sistemik tutulumun görülmediği sınırlı ya da geniş alanlarda yerleşebilen eritemli, hafif skuamlı yama veya plaklarla karakterizedir (Evre IA, IB, IIA). MF tedavisinde fototerapinin etkili olabileceği fikri lezyonların özellikle güneş görmeyen alanlarda ortaya çıktığının gözlenmesiyle ortaya atılmış ve ilk olarak genişband UVB kullanılmış; daha sonra da psoralenli UVA (PUVA) ve
NB-UVB and PUVA in mycosis fungoides therapy: A retrospective studyObjectives: The efficiency of narrowband UVB (NB-UVB) and psoralen+UVA ( PUVA) in treatment of MF was evaluated. Material and methods: Sixy-one patients diagnosed with MF treated with NBUVB or PUVA were studied retrospectively. Gender, age, time of diagnose, duration from initial lesion/lesions to diagnose and treatment, lypmhadenopathy, MF stage, phototherapy regime, systemic agents, mean time to complete remission (CR), mean number of treatment to CR, mean irradiation dose to CR, mean duration of maintenance therapy, mean relapse-free interval, relapse rate, total follow-up duration, advers effects during treatment and comorbidities obtained from patients dermatological charts were recorded. Results: Our results indicate that NB-UVB and PUVA have similar conclusions in treatment of early-stage MF. Mean time to CR and mean duration from CR to relapse were shorter for patients who treated with NB-UVB than PUVA group. CR rate was lower in stage 2A. Combination of systemic agents with phototherapy did not have a statistically significant impact as expected. Conclusion: At the end of the our study, we observed that NB-UVB and PUVA are usefull and have acceptably good results in patients with early-stage MF. Mean time to CR and mean duration from CR to relapse were shorter for NB-UVB group.