An experimental and computational investigation of the NASA Low-Speed Centrifugal Compressor (LSCC) flow field has been conducted using laser anemometry and Dawes' 3D viscous code. The experimental configuration consists of a backswept impeller followed by a vaneless diffuser. Measurements of the three-dimensional velocity field were acquired at several measurement planes through the compressor. The measurements describe both the throughflow and secondary velocity field along each measurement plane. In several cases the measurements provide details of the flow within the blade boundary layers. Insight into the complex flow physics within centrifugal compressors is provided by the computational analysis, and assessment of the CFD predictions is provided by comparison with the measurements. Five-hole probe and hot-wire surveys at the inlet and exit to the rotor as well as surface flow visualization along the impeller blade surfaces provide independent confirmation of the laser measurement technique.
NOMENCLATUREUnit vector in the measured velocity component direction J Streamwise measurement grid indice Local streamwise grid direction vector ,,, Unit vector in local meridional grid direction gy Unit vector in local pitchwise grid direction gs Unit vector in local spanwise grid direction m/m 9 Non-dimensional shroud meridional distance N,pp Number of encoder counts per blade pitch Np Number of impeller blade passages PS Pressure surface r/r t Radius non-dimensionalized by exit tip radius SS Suction surface Ut Impeller tip speed, m/sec V Absolute total velocity vector, m/sec V, Mean velocity component measured in direction c, m/sec V. Meridional velocity component, m/sec Vp Pitchwise secondary velocity component, m/sec VQ"r Quasi-meridional velocity component, m/sec Vr Radial velocity component, m/sec V, Spanwise secondary velocity component, positive towards the shroud, m/sec Vst Velocity component tangent to the shroud meridional direction, m/sec VT Total relative velocity, m/sec Vx Axial velocity component, m/sec V0 Relative tangential velocity component, m/sec a Flow pitch angle, deg., a = tan -t (Vr /V= ) /^ Absolute flow angle, deg., 3 = tan -t (V9/Vqm ) 0 Tangential coordinate, radians Superscripts -Passage average