11The kinetic rates of RNA synthesis, processing and degradation determine the dynamics of 12 transcriptional regulation by governing both the abundance and the responsiveness to modulations of 13 premature and mature RNA species. The study of RNA dynamics is largely based on the integrative 14 analysis of total and nascent transcription, with the latter being quantified through RNA metabolic 15 labeling. We describe here INSPEcT-, a computational method based on mathematical modeling of 16 intronic and exonic expression, able to derive the dynamics of transcription from steady state or time 17 course profiling of just total RNA, without requiring any information on nascent transcripts. Our 18 approach closely recapitulates the kinetic rates obtained through RNA metabolic labeling, improves 19 the ability to detect changes in transcripts half-lives, reduces the cost and complexity of the 20 experiments, and can be adopted to study experimental conditions where nascent transcription cannot 21 be readily profiled. Finally, we applied INSPEcT-to the characterization of post-transcriptional 22 102 First, these data indicate that measurements of mature RNA are in themselves poorly informative 103 of the real transcriptional state of genes. For example, the detection of a mature RNA is typically 104 taken as indication that the corresponding gene is transcriptionally active. This is not necessarily the 105 4 case for highly stable RNAs, which might persist long after the gene has become silent. Second, these 106 data illustrate how difficult it is to decipher the mechanism responsible for modulating mature RNAs 107 without determining the corresponding RNA dynamics. For example, the modulation of mature RNA 108 species is typically seen as indication of transcriptional regulation, while it could originate from 109 changes in the dynamics of processing and/or degradation, without any change in the rate of synthesis 110 taking place. Ultimately, these data show the necessity to develop methods for the quantification of 111 RNA kinetic rates, in order to fully disclose the mechanisms behind complex responses in gene 112 expression.