The ever-increasing demand for high-performing, economical, and safe power storage for portable electronics and electric vehicles stimulates R&D in the fi eld of chemical power sources. In the past two decades, lithium-ion technology has proven itself a most robust technology, which delivers high energy and power capabilities. At the same time, current technology requires that the energy and power capabilities of Li-ion batteries be 'beefed up' beyond the existing state of the art. Increasing the battery voltage is one of the ways to improve battery energy density; in Li-ion cells, the objective of current research is to develop a 5-volt cell, and at the same time to maintain high specifi c charge capacity, excellent cycling, and safety. Since current anode materials possess working potentials fairly close to the potential of a lithium metal, the focus is on the development of cathode materials. This work reviews and analyzes the current state of the art, achievements, and challenges in the fi eld of high-voltage cathode materials for Li-ion cells. Some suggestions regarding possible approaches for future development in the fi eld are also presented. REVIEW compromised). Since the carbonaceous anode potential (vs. Li/Li + ) V anode Li Li + ∼ 0, the cell potential, V cell , is dictated by the cathode potential V cathode Li Li + , i.e., by the type of cathode material employed.
Electrolyte RequirementsCell potential, V cell is not governed by cell electrolyte, but the employment of inadequate electrolyte compromises cell performance: the electrolyte should not experience oxidation/ reduction at the electrode surface in the course of operation. If the electrolyte solution comprises solvent, S, and ion species S{A + }{B} − , the thermodynamic conditions of electrolyte stability are that the potentials of the electrolyte redox reactions should be in the cell voltage window, as shown in Figure 2 . The necessary conditions for these potentials are given by Equation 2 : the Li-ion material cost and their environmental compatibility now receive much attention.