Background: The widespread adoption of family planning in a society is an integral component of modern development. Objectives: The study was conducted to assess the contraceptive knowledge, practice and acceptance among women seeking termination of pregnancy at Guwahati Medical College and Hospital. Methods: Between 1 st January, 2015 to 31 st December 2015, 699 women who were put for Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) by suction evacuation, after workup and investigation were taken up for the study in Guwahati Medical College and Hospital. They were interrogated on a structured questionnaire. After termination of pregnancy, the contraceptive method opted by the women was noted down. Results: Of the 699 women who came for voluntary termination of pregnancy, 594(84.98%) did not use contraception earlier, though (81.69%) women were aware of more than one method of contraception. The request for MTP was on grounds of family being completed (29.61%), previous child was small (25.75%),and financial instability (22.32%). Post abortion 32.47% accepted concurrent sterilisation and 26.04% had an IUCD inserted immediately. Conclusion: Though the awareness about various contraceptive methods was high, yet practice of contraception was low. Acceptability was high once the women underwent termination of pregnancy.