In the current context, research on cultural identity unfolds as an uninterrupted process of modeling and remodeling, constituting the link between past, present and future. The issue of cultural identity has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, especially in the European context, due to the need to legitimize European cultural identity as a link between European citizens and as a unifying principle of different cultural heritage. The current processes of social and economic globalization provide major challenges on the world market of consumer-oriented production sectors. The increase of competition in the market, as well as consumers' exigency, calls for the manufacture of innovative products in the field of footwear as well. Thus, the approached topic appeared as a necessity to make footwear products with innovative design, in order to sustainably develop the competitiveness of companies through the strategic development of footwear production. The research that is the object of this article consists in the creative reinterpretation of footwear, creating a new product concept with Romanian cultural identity. The aim is, on the one hand, to identify and analyze the product concept and, on the other hand, to develop the product with the help of creative industries, highlighting cultural identity.