Abstract:Uterine rupture during pregnancy is the disruption of the uterine wall. It is a rare complication but it is associated with high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. This has a variable incidence between 0.02-0.08% of pregnancies. There are different risk factors for uterine rupture like multiparity, congenital uterine anomalies, previous caesarean deliveries, macrosomia, labour induction, uterine instrumentation, uterine trauma and uterine surgery like previous uterine myomectomy. Signs and symptoms of uterine rupture are nonspecific; we can observe fetal distress, a decrease in uterine contractions, abdominal pain, uterine bleeding, maternal hemodynamic changes, etc. A high index of suspicion, rapid diagnosis and early treatment minimizes maternal and fetal mortality. However we must evaluate patients according to their risk and agree on the way of safer childbirth.