OTFTs with P3HT as organic semiconductor and HtTiO as gate dielectric have been studied in this work. The HtTiO dielectric film was prepared by RF sputtering of Hf and DC sputtering of Ti at room temperature. Subsequently, the dielectric film was annealed in an NUl or N 2 ambient at 200°C. Then a layer of OTS was deposited by spin-coating method to improve the surface characteristics of the gate dielectric. Afterwards, P3HT was deposited by spin-coating method. The OTFTs were characterized by I-V measurement and 1/f noise measurement. The OTFT with gate dielectric annealed in NH l displays higher carrier mobility, smaller threshold voltage, smaller sub-threshold swing, and lower 1/f noise level than the OTFT annealed in N 2 • Moreover, the HtTiO dielectric film annealed in NUl shows higher dielectric constant. In summary, HtTiO film annealed in NH l at low temperature is a promising candidate to act as the gate dielectric of high-quality low-voltage OTFTs.