The most accurate method for hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotyping (3, 6) is based on phylogenetic analysis after DNA sequencing of the entire viral genome (11, 13), often restricted to the gene S (12). However, in case of multiple-genotype infection, only the most abundant genotype is identified. Such mixed infections have been identified using a commercial assay based on reverse hybridization on strips carrying genotypespecific probes, the INNO-LiPA HBV genotyping assay (Innogenetics, Ghent, Belgium) (4,5,14). The aim of the study was to evaluate the reliability of a new version of INNO-LiPA HBV genotyping assay in the detection of mixed-genotype infections by comparison with sequencing of PCR-amplified HBV DNA, before and after molecular cloning, in a population of 200 HBV surface antigen (HBsAg)-and anti-HBc-HBV-DNA-positive French blood donors who were selected in accordance with the HBV genotype distribution previously described in this population (15). The INNO-LiPA was used according to the manufacturer's instructions using biotinylated primers specific for gene S. The hybridization patterns were interpreted according to the chart provided: (i) a single genotype when at least one genotype-specific probe was reactive; (ii) a mixed-genotype infection when multiple genotype-specific lines were reactive for more than one genotype; (iii) an indeterminate profile when single lines were observed for more than one genotype, except for the combination of two probes (one D probe and one F probe), which was classified as genotype H (this genotype has no specific probes); and (iv) a single genotype (the one with a complete hybridization profile) when an isolated reactivity for a second genotype was observed.First, the ability of the INNO-LiPA to detect the minor HBV genotype in a dual mixture was evaluated by testing mixtures of two native samples of genotypes A and D, respectively. Five ratios, from 50/50 to 90/10, of genotypes A and D, respectively, were constituted and adjusted to a final viral load (VL) of 1.70 ϫ 10 5 IU/ml (COBAS TaqMan HBV assay; Roche Diagnostics, Meylan, France). The native samples were added as controls at concentrations of 1.70 ϫ 10 5 IU/ml and 1.70 ϫ 10 4 IU/ml for genotypes A and D, respectively. All samples were analyzed by INNO-LiPA, direct sequencing, and molecular cloning as described below.The INNO-LiPA results obtained in the 200 included samples were compared to those previously obtained by the direct sequencing of the S-PCR product (nt 108 to 552 of the S gene) (15). In the case of mixed infections or indeterminate or singlegenotype profiles associated with an isolated reactivity with INNO-LiPA, sequencing after molecular cloning of PCR DNA products was performed in the TOPO-TA vector (Invitrogen, Cergy-Pontoise, France) according to the manufacturer's instructions. For each sample included, cloning was initially performed with 10 recombinant HBV S-gene-specific clones generated from S-PCR DNA products and sequenced with M13 plasmid universal primers (Eurofins MWG Operon, Ebersberg,...