The aim of the current study is to explore the Biostatistical analysis of basic knowledge of Pharmacy Research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a 4months cross-sectional survey of biostatistical knowledge used in pharmacy research. The survey consisted of two-part demographic information and the second part about pharmacist information related to the biostatistical analysis knowledge of pharmaceutical research. The 5-point Likert response scale system used. There were two methods for validation done in the current study; more than two of the authors reviewed the survey independently, the pilot study had been done, then the survey corrects accordingly, and the Cronbach's alpha test for internal reliability. The survey made an electronic format, and it analyzed through Statically Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, and survey monkey system. The total response was 209 pharmacists. The average score level of knowledge of using all types of statistical analyses in Pharmacy research was (3.23) 64.6 %. The top highest scores of the knowledge of type statistical analysis were Mean (3.73), P-value (3.70), and Standard Deviation (3.67). While the lowest score knowledge of type statistical analysis was Tukey test (2.64), McNemar Test (2.70), and Yates correction for Chi-Square (2.87). The average score level of knowledge of using the software in the statistical analysis in the Pharmacy research was (3.24) 64.8 %. The top highest scores of the experience were Microsoft Excel (3.82), and Microsoft Access (3.29); while the lowest score knowledge was SAS (2.75), and SPSS (3.08). The Cronbach's alpha test results were 0.985. The biostatistical analysis knowledge among pharmacists inadequate in the Saudi Arabia, similar to previous studies. Comprehensive education and training of biostatistics used in pharmacy research are very demandable for pharmacists in Saudi Arabia. Further study with a large scale of the pharmacist, including students, is highly recommended in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.