Ab initio calculations predict that Be is a shallow acceptor in GaN. Its thermal ionization energy is 0.06 eV in wurtzite GaN; the level is valence resonant in the zincblende phase. Be incorporation is severely limited by the formation of Be3N2. We show however that co-incorporation with reactive species can enhance the solubility. H-assisted incorporation should lead to high doping levels in MOCVD growth after post-growth annealing at about 850 K. Be-O co-incorporation produces high Be and O concentrations at MBE growth temperatures.PACS numbers : 71.25. Eq, 61.72.Vv, 61.72.Ss Gallium nitride is a base material for green-to-UV optoelectronics, and piezoelectric and high-power devices. For these applications, controllable doping is an obvious necessity. Si Ga is a suitable shallow donor, but the quest for the optimal acceptor still continues. The current-best p-dopant [1] is Mg Ga , with which hole concentrations in the 10 17 cm −3 range have been achieved at room temperature (despite its ionization energy of ∼ 0.2 eV), and whose activation mechanism is still under scrutiny [2].We show here that substantial improvements can be achieved by doping GaN with Be: ab initio calculations of formation energies, impurity levels, and atomic geometries of Be in GaN show that Be is the shallowest acceptors reported so far in GaN. Calculated solubilities indicate barely acceptable doping levels in N-rich growth conditions at high growth temperatures, while complete compensation occurs in Ga-rich conditions due to N vacancies. We show however that the co-incorporation of Be with H or O strongly enhances its solubility (otherwise limited by the formation of Be nitride) and may lead to p-type doping.Method -By means of density-functional-theory (DFT) [3] ultrasoft-pseudopotential plane-wave calculations of total energies and forces in doped GaN (details are reported elsewhere [1,4,5]), we predict from first principles the formation energies and thermal ionization energies, and ensuing dopant and carrier concentrations of Be in GaN. The carriers concentration at temperature T due to a single acceptor with thermal ionization energyThe impurity concentration D in thermal equilibrium isfor a growth temperature of T g , with N s = 4.33×10 22 cm −3 available sites, and a formation energy E form . Omission of the entropic factor exp (S f /k B ) (formation entropies are currently impossible to calculate reliably) does not alter our conclusions. The formation energy for Be Ga in charge state Q iswhere µ e is the electron chemical potential, E tot (Q) is the total energy of the defected supercell in charge state Q, E Q v its top valence band energy, n X and µ X the number of atoms of the involved species (X=Ga, N, Be) and their chemical potentials. The latter potentials must satisfy the equilibrium conditions with GaN and Be-X compounds. To obtain maximum solubility, we will always be choosing the highest µ Be compatible with the relevant solubility limit. Then, a single chemical potential (e.g. µ N ) remains to be determined by the i...