“…In some places, rates of prey consumption by lionfish far exceed prey production rates and the majority of native fish biomass is being converted to lionfish biomass, as envisioned by Albins & Hixon (2013). A couple of trends, however, are emerging from the many observational and experimental (Elise et al, 2015;Ballew et al, 2016), predator declines ascribed to lionfish (Lesser & Slattery, 2011;Tuttle, 2017), predator declines not ascribed to lionfish (Ingeman, 2016); reductions in species richness on reefs with lionfish (Albins, 2013(Albins, , 2015Benkwitt, 2015;Ellis & Faletti, 2016); high rate of predation on a Belizean restricted-range endemic Indirect effects on benthos Decline in coral cover and increase in macroalgal cover…”