Complex higher-order RNA structures play critical roles in all facets of gene expression; however, the through-space interaction networks that define tertiary structures and govern sampling of multiple conformations are poorly understood. Here we describe single-molecule RNA structure analysis in which multiple sites of chemical modification are identified in single RNA strands by massively parallel sequencing and then analyzed for correlated and clustered interactions. The strategy thus identifies RNA interaction groups by mutational profiling (RING-MaP) and makes possible two expansive applications. First, we identify throughspace interactions, create 3D models for RNAs spanning 80-265 nucleotides, and characterize broad classes of intramolecular interactions that stabilize RNA. Second, we distinguish distinct conformations in solution ensembles and reveal previously undetected hidden states and large-scale structural reconfigurations that occur in unfolded RNAs relative to native states. RING-MaP single-molecule nucleic acid structure interrogation enables concise and facile analysis of the global architectures and multiple conformations that govern function in RNA. These functions are mediated by tiered levels of information: The simplest is the primary sequence, and the most complex is the higher-order structure that governs interactions with ligands, proteins, and other RNAs (1, 2). Many RNAs can form more than one stable structure, and these distinct conformations often have different biological activities (3, 4). Currently, the rate of describing new RNA sequences vastly exceeds abilities to examine their structures.Here we characterize through-space interactions and multiple conformations in single RNAs by melding chemical probing and massively parallel sequencing. Because massively parallel sequencing reports the sequences of single templates, each read is fundamentally a single-molecule observation (5). We first modified RNA with a reagent that is sensitive to the underlying RNA structure and then detected multiple adducts in individual RNA strands (Fig. 1). Chemical adducts were detected as sequence mutations based on their ability to induce efficient misreading of the template nucleotide by a reverse transcriptase enzyme, an approach called mutational profiling, or MaP (6). Singlemolecule probing data were used in two distinct ways: to detect correlated RNA modifications reflecting higher-order through-space interactions (Fig. 1A) and to examine multiple conformations in single in-solution ensembles (Fig. 1B).
Results and DiscussionMultisite Dimethyl Sulfate Reactivity with RNA. We used dimethyl sulfate (DMS) to probe the structures of three RNAs: the Escherichia coli thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) riboswitch (79 nt) (7), the Tetrahymena group I intron P546 domain (160 nt) (8), and the Bacillus stearothermophilus RNase P catalytic domain (265 nt) (9). RNAs were selected to illustrate distinct RNA folding features and to emphasize increasingly difficult analysis challenges. The TPP riboswitch binds the...