<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Shallow and sheltered marine embayments in urbanized areas are prone to the accumulation of pollutants, but little is known about the historical baselines of such marine ecosystems. Here we study foraminiferal assemblages, geochemical proxies and sedimentological data from 1.6&#8201;m long sediment cores to uncover ~&#8201;400 years of anthropogenic pressure from mining, port and industrial zones in the Gulf of Trieste, Italy. <br><br> From 1600 to 1900 AD, element concentrations and foraminiferal assemblages point to negligible effects of agricultural activities. The only significant anthropogenic activity during this period is mercury mining in the hinterlands of the gulf, releasing high amounts of mercury into the bay and significantly exceeding today's Italian sediment quality guidelines (SQG) and the standards on the effects of trace elements to benthic organisms (ERL and ERM). Nonetheless, the fluctuations in the concentrations of mercury do not correlate with changes in the composition and diversity of foraminiferal assemblages due to its nonbioavailability. Intensified agricultural and maricultural activities in the first half of the 20th century caused slight nutrient enrichment and a minor increase in foraminiferal diversity. Intensified port and industrial activities in the second half of 20th century increased the normalised trace element concentrations and persistent organic pollutants (PAH, PCB) in the topmost part of the core, with solely Ni exceeding Italian SQG, ERL and ERM. This increase caused only minor changes in the foraminiferal community because foraminifera in Panzano Bay have a long history of adaptation to naturally elevated trace element concentrations. <br><br> Our study underlines the importance of using an integrated, multidisciplinary approach in reconstructing the history of environmental and anthropogenic changes in marine systems. Given the prolonged human impacts in coastal areas like the Gulf of Trieste, such long term baseline data are crucial for interpreting the present state of marine ecosystems.</p>