Two-dimensional computations are reported for timedependent laminar buoyancy-induced flows above a horizontal heated source immersed in an air-filled vessel. Two kinds of heated source were considered: a line heat source, modelled as a heat source term in the energy equation, and a heat-flux cylinder of small diameter. First, comparisons are presented for the results obtained for these two heated sources. Rather large discrepencies between the velocity fields appeared in the conduction regime due to the weak plume motion, while close agreements were found in the boundary layer regime. Nevertheless, same types of bifurcations occur with almost identical frequencies, whatever the Rayleigh number. It is concluded that for dimensions of the enclosures, which largely compared with the cylinder radius, the heat source term model is a promising way to study the behaviour of unsteady plumes owing to its simplicity, flexibility, and low computational costs. Second, transitions to unsteady flows were studied through direct flow simulations for various depths of immersion of a line heat source in the central vertical plane of a vessel. Different routes to chaos were shown to occur according to the aspect ratio of the vessel and the depth of immersion of the line source. Three distinct regimes were detected with different underlying physical mechanisms called natural swaying motion, penetrative convection and Rayleigh-Benard-like convection. The first bifurcations associated with these regimes are supercritical Hopf bifurcation, pitchfork bifurcation and subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Comparisons with experimental results of confined buoyant plumes above heated wires show very good agreement with laminar frequency correlations.