The left-handed helical conformation of various polynucleotides has been seen in solution at higher salt concentration than has the right-handed helical conformation of the corresponding polymer. We report here, however, studies of conformational transitions in the mixed polymer poly-(rG-dC)-poly (rG-dC). This polynucleotide appears to exist in a Z conformation under low-salt conditions, converts to an A helix at intermediate salt, and reverts to a left-handed helix at high-salt concentration.The left-handed helical Z conformation (1) has been demonstrated to occur in the synthetic polydeoxynucleotide poly-(dG-dC)-poly(dG-dC) when the concentration of NaCl in solution is increased to >2.5 M (2). High concentrations of other mono-and oligovalent cations also can promote the transition (2, 3). Much smaller concentrations (<1 mM) of oligovalent ions are needed to cause the methylated analog of the above polymer, poly(dG-m5dC)-poly(dG-m5dC), to flip to the Z form (3). Other chemical modifications of poly-(dG-dC)poly(dG-dC), such as bromination (4) or alkylation (5-7), also can lower the critical concentration of cation necessary for the transition. However, in all of these examples, and also in the case of alternating purine-pyrimidine polymers containing A-T base pairs (8, 9), the Z conformation is the "high-salt" form-i.e., if the salt concentration is decreased, the conformational equilibrium is shifted toward the right-handed helical B form. An explanation that has been offered for this is that phosphate residues on different strands approach each other more closely in the Z form than in the B form, so that the Z conformation is favored by the electrostatic shielding afforded by higher salt concentrations (1). Another argument for the high-salt conformation being the Z form comes from the observation that Z DNA is less hydrated than B DNA (10), so that the Z conformation is favored by the lowered water activity of high-salt solutions.We report here the study of conformational transitions in the mixed ribo-deoxyribo copolymer poly(rG-dC)-poly(rGdC). We chose to study this polymer because ribonucleotides favor the C3'-endo conformation, and this sugar conformation was reported to occur in the guanosine residues of Z-DNA crystals (1). We have determined that, unlike previously studied polynucleotides, poly(rG-dC)-poly(rG-dC) appears to exist in a Z conformation at low-salt concentration (5 mM Tris), converts to the A conformation at intermediate levels of counterion, and again flips to a Z form at high NaCl concentration.
MATERIALS AND METHODSSynthesis of the Polymer. Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I large fragment (Klenow fragment) was purchased either from Bethesda Research Laboratories or New England Biolabs. Poly(dI-dC)poly(dI-dC) was obtained from P-L Biochemicals, as were NTPs and dNTPs. Radioactive materials were purchased from ICN.The synthesis of the polymer was carried out as follows. The reaction medium contained in 1 ml 40 mM N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine (Bicine) buffer (pH 8.95), 5 mM Mn C12...