Indian sandalwood Santalum album L. plantations in Karnataka were surveyed to study the diversity and abundance of spider fauna. A total of 1,244 individuals belonging to 56 spider species in 40 genera under 14 families were recorded in the sandalwood plantations. Among the spider families recorded, Araneidae was the most dominant with 15 species in nine genera followed by Salticidae with 13 species in 10 genera, Thomisidae with seven species in four genera, Oxyopidae with four species in three genera, Uloboridae with four species in a genus, and Theridiidae by three species each under three genera. Lycosidae and Sparassidae are represented by two species under two genera each. The families Cheiracanthiidae, Clubionidae, Hersiliidae, Philodromidae, and Pholcidae are represented by a species each. The pruning of sandalwood revealed a significant negative effect on the occurrence and distribution of spiders.