This study characterizes an extremely large gas resource located in low permeability, overpressured sandstone reservoirs located below 8,000 feet drill depth in the Greater Green River basin, Wyoming. Total in place resource is estimated at 1,968 Tcf. Via application of geologic, engineering and economic criteria, the portion of this resource potentially recoverable as reserves is estimated. Those volumes estimated include probable, possible and potential categories and total 33 Tcf as a mean estimate of recoverable gas for all plays considered in the basin. Resources, Snyder Oil, TerraTek, True Drilling, and UPRC for their cooperation. In addition, we would like to thank Petroleum Information Corporation for consenting to the use of digital well identification data from their WHCS database in the digital database that accompanies this report. The Scotia project team consisted of Rob Caldwell (project manager), Mark Cocker (geology, petrophysics), Bill Cotton (computing, databases), Cliff Adams, Wayne Beninger, Dave Heather, and Pat Wagner (reservoir engineering), Simon Bidwell (engineering and petrophysics), Wendy Edmondson and Laurie Pasch (support), and Mary Ann Holubec (administration). Tom Carroll and Ken Ibsen provided consulting engineering and data support services. AI Jaffe acted as consulting business coordinator. These individuals are acknowledged for their diligent efforts. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS