Both sperm typing and linkage disequilibrium patterns from large population genetic data sets have demonstrated that recombination hotspots are responsible for much of the recombination activity in the human genome. Sperm typing has also revealed that some hotspots are heterogeneous in the population; and linkage disequilibrium patterns from the chimpanzee have implied that hotspots change at least on the separation time between these species. We propose a population genetics model, inspired by the double-strand break model, which features recombination hotspots that are heterogeneous across the population and whose population frequency changes with time. We have derived a diffusion approximation and written a coalescent simulation program. This model has implications for the ''hotspot paradox.'' A nalysis of the Seattle SNP, Perlegen, and HapMap data sets has suggested that the fine-scale recombination rate varies with position across the chromosome (1-3). Indeed 80% of the recombination activity is believed to occur in as little as 10-20% of the sequence. So-called recombination hotspots, narrow regions generally 1 kb wide with elevated recombination rates, have been estimated approximately every 100 kb across the human genome. Sperm typing (4-6) (for reviews, see refs. 7 and 8) has confirmed the presence of recombination hotspots. Although more recent population genetic modeling efforts (9-11) have included recombination hotspots, these methods, like their predecessors (12-16), assume that the recombination rate is (i) homogeneous across the population, and (ii) constant throughout time. However, sperm typing has also demonstrated that some hotspots are heterogeneous in the population (17). Moreover, analysis of linkage disequilibrium patterns in the human and chimpanzee populations (18,19) has shown little congruence between the location of hotspots in the two species, implying that recombination rates change at least on the order of the separation time between these species.The predominant mechanistic model of recombination is the double-strand break model illustrated in Fig. 1 (20) (for a review see ref. 21). In this model, there is a break through both strands of one of the chromosomes. On this chromosome there is a loss of several hundred base pairs around the break. This loss is then replaced by copying from the other chromosome. The break can be resolved as either a crossover or a conversion event. In most population genetic models, this loss and copy of DNA has been ignored: in these models there is an exchange of DNA between chromosomes, but, despite this rearrangement, all sections of the chromosome are assumed to retain their original quantities. Because the length of this loss is relatively small, this simplification had seemed benign.However, this loss is the key factor in the ''hotspot paradox'' (e.g., refs. 22 and 23). This paradox states that if the hotspot is caused by some motif in the DNA sequence that elevates the local double-strand break rate, then this motif will often be lost in a reco...