We analyze the effect of variation of fundamental couplings and mass scales on primordial nucleosynthesis in a systematic way. The first step establishes the response of primordial element abundances to the variation of a large number of nuclear physics parameters, including nuclear binding energies. We find a strong influence of the n − p mass difference (for the 4 He abundance), of the nucleon mass (for deuterium) and of A = 3, 4, 7 binding energies (for 3 He, 6 Li and 7 Li). A second step relates the nuclear parameters to the parameters of the Standard Model of particle physics. The deuterium, and, above all, 7 Li abundances depend strongly on the average light quark massm ≡ (m u + m d )/2. We calculate the behaviour of abundances when variations of fundamental parameters obey relations arising from grand unification. We also discuss the possibility of a substantial shift in the lithium abundance while the deuterium and 4 He abundances are only weakly affected.