This study investigates the existence of high levels of radiation and heavy metallic materials in the area around Merowe Dam, using different physical techniques. Two radiation survey-meters were used in order to compare results, which were Raddose and Idintifineder and several analytical devices. The survey-meter measurements were 0.1 µSv/h over the chemical waste and 0.05 µSv/h in different areas positions. The background level of radiation was determined at different positions, and the average of the measurements was 0.09 µSv/h, which was within the normal ranges. The existence of natural occurring radioactive material falls within the global wide range as well. Furthermore, the presence of the chemical materials containing heavy metals was detected by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission spectrophotometer (ICPE-9000), Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDX-8000) devices and Gas chromatograph GC-2010 plus. The analysis showed there were lots of heavy metals that they were believed to be a revert from the dam construction material, such as paint and epoxy.