The present work describes histological and histochemical observations made on the neoplastic liver of Indian silver bills, Uroloncha malabarica. The histology of neoplastic tissue as well as liver has been discussed. Further, a few enzymes like alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, 5-nucleotides and non-specific esterase have been localized in the diseased liver. The occurrence of lymphocytoma caused a marked change in the localization of the enzymes. Sometimes total inhibition of the enzyme was encountered. Damaged sinusoid cells and bile canaliculi of the neoplasm as well as liver lobules show no reaction for alkaline phosphatase. However, its counterpart, acid phosphatase, exhibits intense activity in both neoplastic tissue and liver cells. Aggregates of neoplastic tissue give moderate 5-nucleotidase reaction while it gives poor activity in hepatic tissue of the diseased liver. Parenchymatous cells are able to give some activity for the non-specific esterase while it is very dull in the neoplastic tissue.