FAUVE, ROBERT M. (Institut Pasteur, Garches (Hauts de Seine), France), JOSEPH E. ALOUF, ALBERT DELAUNAY, AND MARCEL RAYNAUD. Cytotoxic effects in vitro of highly purified streptolysin 0 on mouse macrophages cultured in a serum-free medium. J. Bacteriol. 92:1150-1153. 1966.-After the addition of highly purified streptolysin 0 to mouse macrophages cultured in medium 199 containing albumin, the following cellular alterations were observed. The disappearance of the stellate shape of the cells and the formation of bleb-like vesicles extruding from the cytoplasmic membrane occurred within a few minutes. Later, massive degranulation and formation of cytoplasmic vesicles were followed by cell death.